Specials and oddities
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Album of the Month
Mention this album at the time of your appointment and Dr. Elliott will reward your good taste by playing it during your exam! What more could you want?
Contact Lenses
Click here to preview or purchase this mind bender!
Exam and glasses!
I tell ya, not since the glory days of Rome has there been an offer this good! An eye exam and a complete pair of glasses for just over a C note. Now, these frames are not Guccis (but you weren't expecting that). But they do look good. You know how you can buy a Korean knock-off purse or wallet? This is the same kind of deal (but all legal).
Refractive Surgery
Specials and Oddities
R.E.M - Document
Lens parameters:
sphere +4.00 to -6.00
cylinder to -2.00
For no other reason than the song "It's The End of the World As We Know It" seems somehow fitting these days.